Class Non-Python: Compelling metalanguages for web development outside of Python

Class Non-Python: Compelling metalanguages for web development outside of Python#


urweb/urweb is a single, strongly-typed language that compiles into a single binary that can execute SQL and Javascript (and of course render HTML/CSS).

Vaadin# is a java-based product with tons of widgets that allows a Java developer to have all the interactivity with none of the headache of dealing with Javascript.


Many people who wish to remain in Django/Flask land opt for HTMX to give them the power of Javascript.

Through HTMX, a web framework has access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, through attributes.

PyHAT - collects resources on building websites using Python, HTMX and Tailwind-CSS.

Relevant articles:

Hyperscript (from the same people as HTMX)#

Both HTMX and Hyperscript were created by Big sky software and their combination is apparently becoming popular with Djangoists.